Friday, November 23, 2012

cheap dr dre beats to jump into to go

Will get into snow mountain to believe in.But want to get into snow mountain to believe in, will pass this smoothly of 【receive to choose 】……
After finishing tidying up way of thinking, Wang Shao Chuan impressively discovers, problem-solving imitate a Buddha in fact be he already at do of affair, both are in fact consistent.
Hence Wang Shao Chuan is immediately in a good mood.
The side in mind complains useful not ascend seven Buddhist prayer beads, use not ascend 10 permit a Buddha and use more to not and up put~to death fairy definitely, the side hugs autumn waters bond maid savory body, Wang Shao Chuan finally deeply fallen asleep in front of the bright sky.
Coming from what Wang Shao Chuan's idea anticipate BE, just once had breakfast soon, the red and small month came right away to seek Wang Shao Chuan, then otherly received kids be all expeled room, Wang Shao Chuan and red and small month alone face to face.
"Strip naked."Red and small month light tunnel,Beats Solo HD.
Wang Shao Chuan immediately understands her is why since then of, however he has never ordered to break and sets up for some clothes of muddledly stripping nude and see the white living, the soft small insect hang between Wang Shao Chuan's two legs, the red and small month Fu body comes down and stretches out the Xian Xian vegetable hand and starts to give that soft small insect and carefully conjectures.
Sneering at in the heart of Wang Shao Chuan is a , superficial but is the very cautious appearance for packing, some cringingly want to hereafter back.
The red and small month crumpled to knead some kind of, see divide time no action, stretch out another hand, at Wang Shao Chuan of will order to order, Wang Shao Chuan's feels inside a burst of and fresh and cool incursion body, but strange BE, clear is cool idea,let his divided time to produce one silk thermodynamic energy, a short moment behind, the cool idea is gradually prosperous, divide time is also the impulse that has already grown to want to lift up head.
The eldest brother that Wang Shao Chuan's eyes immediately stare stares tongue-tiedly looking at a red and small month.
"You were harmed blood vessels by my Liao's younger sister Shi, only I can cure good you, make you able to be a man, so ……" red and small month smilingly the Mi sewed eyes, use one grow long deadlock to strengthen tone, so that he/she makes Wang Shao Chuan deepen an impression, then just by hand kneaded to knead dividing time of Wang Shao Chuan, roar with laughter tunnel:"So you must listen to me, otherwise, your whole life can not be a man."
Wang Shao Chuan chick Zhuo rice fierce nod.
The red and small month lightly smiles 1 and turns round to leave.From beginning to end, she covers with among the light yarn in white, only eyes and hands is dew at outside of, even if be apart from very near, Wang Shao Chuan can not also see pure her facial expression, small eyes that sew to her Mi are impressed with.
Wang Shao Chuan wears good clothes and sits in spreading big, is lost in thought.
Red and small month is this what mean?The provocation of this degree also despised a person too much?However, what she said's pouring is also an affair, and she doesn't need to be provoked as well.Should be that afraid oneself is more muddled, doesn't know presumably the injury resulting in for he or she Liao's thousand eyebrows, so specially come over to emphasize for a while of.
This woman's pouring is a good heart to account.
However, there is a necessity doing like this?Wang Shao Chuan turns to read a to think, immediately some feel suspicious son, he already so son, and is still receiving of"have blemish" kid, does the red and small month have a necessity to specially emphasize for a while?E, this, should at last draw together?Is he really of great value to let the red and small monthly fee dint draw together now?
Or, does the red and small month decide to be beginning to Liao's thousand eyebrows?So specially come over to emphasize for a while?
E looks like to also explain impassability, because as long as once checking his body, enough proof, the red and small month really has no a necessity to specially run to draw together him, because Wang Shao Chuan is what their two people brings.And, is more muddled to divulge secret unintentionally, make to not and very also make people and love think that the red and small month is to intentionally want to frame up Liao's thousand eyebrows in case of him.
Think around, Wang Shao Chuan's brains is some disorderly.
The autumn waters bond maid walks to come in and gentle and softly kneels in Wang Shao Chuan's in front, chases headrest on Wang Shao Chuan's knee and embraces Wang Shao Chuan's legs.
Wang Shao Chuan lowers the head to took a look a very small female kid and can not help long long the ground sighed an one breath.In a world of the weak at the mercy of the strong like this, he really has ability to protect this woman?
Not, he has no, however have no of the front want to plus a before Zhui "temporarily", he temporarily didn't°yet this ability.But he finally and one day will own this ability of, although he doesn't know how to stir up seven Buddhist prayer beads, don't know how to stir up 10 to permit a Buddha, don't know how to stir up to put~to death fair definitely …… these baby all after all in his soul inside, one day there will he can use of, one day there will.
Is long long the ground urged an one breath, Wang Shao Chuan re- invigorated.
Day.The son passes like flowing water in the past and starts the second-time check-up after for three months.Nature, the all levels anotherly receives a kid and is eliminated some people this time.Permit after the mama calls everyone to the soil city of in the square, declared in person, after three days, everyone will be taken snow mountain to believe in and formally went into to believe in.
On the square immediately the one shout, the cow is full to store crowded come over, embrace short his bicephalous Wang Shao Chuan into bosom, sob to say in his ear:"Thank you!Old king."
Wang Shao Chuan smiles but not speech, autumn waters bond maid from after death embraced her, the very small body is excitedly shivering, but one the speech don't deliver and just tightly embrace him.
After three days,cheap dr dre beats, leave of 405 receive a kid be one by one in order got into soil city center of big yard inside, there is an independent room in the centers of yard, room inside empty none thing, only have an entrance to caves of black hole hole.
Is all to incomingly receive kids to all become to be rattled, only Wang Shao Chuan knows, this entrance to cave is definitely a transmission, can link a heavy sky and two weigh the transmission in sky.Hence the heart of Wang Shao Chuan in happy, on the face but set up for and otherly receive a kid to similarly be rattled, fear to fear.
The pupils that snow mountain believes in maintain order, the order receives the kids to line up a brigade and one by one in order jumps into a hole inside.No one dares to resist, owner all can shut eyes to jump into to go, irritating to the ear screech one connects a……anotherly receive kids are all surprised to fear to a ground of scream, only Wang Shao Chuan is an excited scream.
Until 405 receives all of the kids to jump into to go, snow mountain believes in of the pupils just as if relieved of a heavy burden ground long one breath, their tasks have been already completed.
After, take part in this time 【receive to choose 】 of 12 snow mountains believe in of the pupil , while permitting leading of mama, arrive at another room in the big yard and have in this room of isn't the entrance to cave of black hole hole, but a fine big cage.
Is certainly also a transmission here, want only compare receive the kids to drill of that, high class many, return to two time in sky of weighings at least, will make people little to be subjected to a lot of offenses.Certainly, this costs and supports cost, also opposite high, so in times gone by just the formal pupil just entitle to use and hardly open at ordinary times.
Wang Shao Chuan at empty in the middle seethe, very dizzy very disgusted, want to vomit everythings in the belly to all go, he still embraces autumn waters bond maid, two people's weight is more big, imitate a Buddha to seethe more badly, with the body character of autumn waters bond maid, she will than Wang Shao Chuan more of pain and sufferings.
But, autumn waters bond maid but dead hopeless situation held close Wang Shao Chuan, a moments didn't let go of.

Chapter 243 arrives two heavy sky

Seethe to revolve in a row in, the background of the surroundings became blue sky from the utter darkness one.Although the view always can not also focuse, the head is been also dizzy severe,sees clear black to become a pale blue color to always return is all right.Hence the heart of Wang Shao Chuan in a loose, he knows, he probably already arrive two heavy sky.
Fruit not it however, receive the kids a to scream, fall a huge pale blue color soft mat up, it is a special magic trick to make into to look like of, prepares to want to mediumly and directly drop into Shui-li than Wang Shao Chuan, the treatment was much good friends with.
Certainly there are also some kid of receivings, because the body character is worse, have no a transmission directly dizzy dead, more have three unlucky kids, pretty lead a fainting of transmission and jolt, but while falling a pale blue color in the soft mat, wrench off own neck.Also have some receive a kid because the spirit isn't enough tough and resilient, with as for falling to the ground is later insane, too many to enumerate.
Finally order the time of person's head,, 400 Related articles:

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