Monday, November 19, 2012

cheap beats by dre r one Ann west

Thesong .But his move to the morale of the troops temporarily settled down .If Xin Qiji knows he is the idea ,will sigh ,sometimes ignorance is a bliss .relationresultAlthough Song Jun hadthirty thousand men ,but no large siege apparatus ,siege apparatus used only the ordinary ladder .
This is the original and the West Xia first fortified city ,the city now has ten thousand defenders although some less ,but also avoid strong enough to hold the wall ,if in accordance with the normal condition ,want to take an Xifu song ,be afraid also is not an easy thing .
Therefore,dr dre beats, the song will attack under the house ,some lack of confidence ,but Xin Qiji is to have a well-thought-out plan ,and can recover the ANN West ,today .Then immediately ordered the song ,will spread out, from the four ,began the siege .
relationresultAlthoughmany of Xin Qiji though is still half believe and half doubt ,but the order ,also dare not disobey ,immediately to the west of the city on an attack .Ren Chunyi also personally on the command .
relationresultButSong Jungang attacks a city ,the defenders too suddenly ,I saw countless wearing black armour ,holding swords Samurai from the side of the head .Melon vegetable general to kill any Shijun Shizu ,everyone is brave ,lead is a tall ,head hoop iron warrior ,hand made a nine foot long crescent pole dancing ,the wind ,no one can stop his blow ,there are several defenders even are he struck out ,other warriors under his leadership ,only to kill the defenders have to fall to the ground, immediately the chaos .
relationresultThe originalsong ,in evacuation safety ,had done it duplicates to Ann ,preparation .Lai Wenzheng left Zhao grass and Suzaku two to assist the Xin Qiji defense ,Xin Qiji ordered two of them to lead the three hundred elite forces ,with armor and weapons ,lurking in the city ,only for siege when, suddenly out of good ,collaborate from within with forces from outside ,to recover one Ann west .
It is because of such an ambush, Xin Qiji and Billy I was confident ,in a short period of time to recover ,Ann west .So only dare give up Ann West ,diversionary attack .relationresultWhenkilled ,the Song Jun number is not much, also in two hundred or so ,only now is to meet with the defenders were outside the siege of Song Jun, unguarded behind the attack ,therefore be taken by surprise ,was lurking Song Jun are killed in the first run ,the wall guards immediately showed numerous voids come to .
relationresultAndSong Jun took the opportunity to the siege of the flooded city ,joined the battle group in the city .Let Shijun originally just had the second Sagittarius ,see more Song Jun gets up on the wall, can not help but also flustered ,there also dare to fight on, immediately have pathfinding .
relationresultToRen Chunyi or one track-minded run after all, still on the wall a loud greeting soldiers fought against ,beat back the song .A clerk will come to persuade him to prepare to run ,but Ren Chunyi was a shout abuse .
But he that take the lead, as Shijun also has many soldiers adhere to no defeat against the song ,go on . , relationresultButwhen an iron gate has been opened, the original is Suzaku led another hundred latent Song Jun while Zhao grass around the wall of the enemy, killing over the gate of the city was Shijun ,the gate opened, and in the outside waiting for Song Jun immediately put into Anxi city of .
relationresultXin Qiji in thecity also couldn ,on the side of the current general : ,this handsome said ,today must be recovered to Ann West ,not empty words . , relationresultThen thepublic will also admire ,said: this is a little Messire wise ,clever arrangement, can easily recaptured Ann West ,I admire to induced .
, relationresultXin Qijisaid with a smile : this plan but Bi duct to figure out, but not the handsome as its power ,to ,we all come into town . , relationresultThe gatewas broken ,although any Chunyi also believe you can win, but other defenders know it is all up with ,so regardless of their owners ,have respective routing .
Any Chunyi that came over ,her only a few die-hard kiss with .relationresultBy this time,although Ren Chunyi was not on the providence has generated suspicion ,but I also know that this war is the deficit hopeless, and probably this is Mr.
Lin and release Masters said twists and turns ,but this turns also folded too great a number .I figured this out ,Ren Chunyi also remember to escape .But now it is late ,chance to escape has long been miss him ,before he came down the walls ,it has been surrounded the song live .
relationresultIn the face offlashing Hanguang sword ,let Chunyi resistance will immediately as strong said under the snow ,rapid melting .Other song Bing up tied him to live, as Chunyi was also thinking ,this is it right? Is labyrinthian ?relationresultRen rebellion although at the beginning had captured Ann West ,just six days time, not only let main forces in the Yellow River shore was Song Jun routed ,even safety ,peace ,beats dr dre,the two largest city in Japan it was Song Jun successfully occupied .
relationresultWhile thoseRen contacted Tangut nobles was mostly about the rebellion wait-and-see attitude, see Ren Shijun begins with a captured Ann West ,to there is a lot of Tangut nobles also ate a heart ,but some people still calm ,although the heart to support ,but does not have the substantive action ,but also to the letter ,expressed his congratulations and support .
There are also many began to gather people to prepare materials ,warrior ,an response .relationresultBut there arethree of the most impatient ,but also the most against the big song ruled the Tangut nobles immediately flag revolt ,and with their tribe soldier ,to the west house ,ready to join any army .
But no one ever thought ,let rebel like a firecracker ,although made a sound shaking heaven and earth noise, but soon evaporated ash powder ,silent .relationresultSong Junvictory ,once again to deter the Tangut nobles ,by now Song Jun garrison road troops ,to quickly put down any rebellion ,cheap beats by dre.
Watch secretly glad that ,fortunately without their own impulses ,immediately to appease the Division letter ,expressed his congratulations and support .And the last letter is first compared ,changed the name, content with the little change .
People also gathered soldiers immediately put the team disbanded ,and supplies to the west house ,said he .relationresultOnly the threeby flag rebel Tangut nobles most awkward ,team not until either House of the city, but that on the city wall, and to change the flag banner .
Just make yourself now too late to remedy .But Fa out of the water collecting can ,there is a Tangut nobles had to call men to tie themselves ,into an house to be in Song Jun .And the two others are simply run black ,heard Ren only let Cong and fled to the province of big city ,so they go and they hop soldiers ,continued to flounder .
relationresultIn fact,province to city is not a dangerous place ,and Ren Ping .Not just ,and static state ,pregnant ,salt ,pardon ,summer five ,any one place than the province big city strong ,just as much as clever and pure after the defeat ,and that of Ping Song Jun was captured ,scared afraid to repatriate fief any place, had to go to the province city .
relationresultXin Qijitook an iron after first write back to Jiankang ,immediately to the government ,reports the subjugation of after .And there hurry to get to take province big city ,because let Cong and pure in turn do not have much big wave . Related articles:

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