Sunday, November 11, 2012

cheap beats by dre love you! I want

Lake front of time, is already a during the midnight cent.
Almost oil to the utmost light withered leaf Wan is gradually awake, in addition to is nipping and cold, also result in because of losing blood and getting hurt extremely weak.
Fee two hours, leaf Wan climbs ascend 15 meters high breakwater, lie on the dike coast, the tip of the tongue arrives the last Mao and slowly adjusts an interest, he knows to get hurt to compare Burma this time that can't lightly, if asleep may really come to not.
A double-edged sword son, a double-edged sword son!Leaf Wan's dejected eyes silently stare at a Southern Hemisphere the star sky autumn night, slowly focuse to put forth effort quantity in body.
I love you, a double-edged sword son, I love you!
I want to live down, I want to live down for you, I want to take you to walk, and I make you become the most happy woman in the world!
The leaf Wan can not talk, in the mind but silently firmly stand by the defense line of end, do a conflict with Azrael.
Is gradual, leaf Wan felling the body Be warm to get up, the arms and legs also had a little energy, slowly climbed from the ground, the elephant was currish to walk on the unfamiliar street.
Where is this ?I am incognizant, ha ha, a double-edged sword son definitely knows, she lived in these three years.
The whole street all no one, from a distance there is a lights in place, leaf Wan doesn't know that he or she can walk to there.
You can?A double-edged sword son, you say me ability, I certain ability!I will walk over there, then make a phone call to come to Wu for lotus …ha ha, a double-edged sword son, you have to know him, will definitely fancy his, he is very interesting, a big fatty, and is one typing is super quick of police.
The younger sister who still has him, call Mary's lotus, very beautiful, however having no you is beautiful.A double-edged sword son, you are this world, the most beautiful girl!
The owners of "of gold Si" coffee shop all prepare to close, guest all**, waiter also get off work, in put away, there are outside also two chair confiscations, just come out, but surprisingly see the distance shake sway run came over a person.
Originally thought that he is to get drunk wine, near just discover, the man whole body of this second book was all wet, should just climb out from inside in the lake?Owner the first reaction is this young person is robbed.
"Sir, what's the matter with you?"
The leaf Wan half lies half to lean on the rattan chair of coffee shop, the orotund low owner has to gather together the ear to his mouth side to listen to.
"Coffee …one cup, another …I …want to make a telephone call..."
Thank God, he will speak English!The owner tooks a look to put in the fixed telephone of buffet and took out to move a telephone to pass to pass by.
"You … stir for me, I didn't go, the number was XXXXXXX, sought lotus to the Wu … say here, I seek another a place, I am leaf …" words didn't finish saying, the leaf Wan a head of fell down in the ground.
The owner is panic to start to embrace leaf Wan, wanted to want and place levelly leaf Wan ground up, say according to leaf Wan of the telephone stired to pass by.
The lotus comes at the time that Wu arrived to, leaf Wan had already sunk into dying status.The lotus comes to Wu not to know how is good, thanks to an owner to have quick wit, infused a leaf Wan half bowl hot milk, leaf Wan jet one mouthful the milk Mo that take blood, unexpectedly awake come over, looking at a lotus Wu, smiled to smile:"Take me to go …can not find of place …cure."
If the lotus coming to Wu didn't believe leaf Wan, he takes leaf Wan to one private clinic proud of take out after the police officer certificate, the doctor is very quick to carry on the first-time surgical operation for leaf Wan.
In fact he still thinks the hand cannon hasing never once used Tao, the regrettable police officer certificate enough plays hoax on, the lotus comes to Wu unavoidably in the mind to have a regret.
The telephone calls Mary lotus after, Mary lotus and is hugging Qin Chuan whom oneself goes to bed to promise to immediately rush through.
Qin Chuan come after, the lotus comes to Wu just know the reason that leaf Wan gets hurt.
Furious Zheng Pu didn't ventilate to the police station this time and all through the night helped to carry on annihilate type stroke to Indonesia and Vietnam, and the Sa hand follow river to look for leaf Wan and let out words, even if is a corpse, see arrive all have 100,000, if is live, praise then raise to 500,000.
Qin Chuan wants to report to Zheng Pu, but the lotus came to Wu to scathingly stop.
"He once said, he made me take him to go to concealment place cure!This is his idea, you had better not say with your boss!"
Qin Chuan doesn't know leaf Wan's intention, but thoughts of that the lotus comes to police's identity of Wu, don't dare to lift again any further.
The small clinic of Australia digs bullet to have no a difficulty, but have no blood plasma, fairy also have no way.A nurse pushes door but, rigorously say:"All of the blood plasma that the clinic saves were used up, the lotus came to Wu police officer, please notify a hospital, accompany me to take blood plasma together."
"Do not go or not not to go!"The lotus comes to Wu to shake a big hand and has never etc. nursed to scold to make a noise and suddenly asks a way:"Nurse, what blood type is he ?"
"B type."
"Is aha! to admire, I am also a B type, my lose to him, Mary's lotus, I remember you are also.Qin, what blood type are you ?"
Qin Chuan out of spirits says:"O type."
The lotus comes to Wu early the Lu wear sleeves, the very happy ground hurtled in to take blood room.
After an hour, the doctor shakes the head is from the operating room in drilled out, facial expression with unimaginable look.
"Doctor, how?"
"Is very good, harmed a stability to live, he dead not.Just the blood pressure is still very low, need to continue to transfuse blood."The doctor looking at black of the lotus come to Wu, in the mind a move:"The Sir of the police officer, what does your friend do?"
" …Public security."
"He won three bullets, better arm and two legs all hit by bullet, the better arm is to master wound, and the bullet of left thigh and right calf has already taken out.You once said with me, he walked exactly 800 meters?"
"Arrive gold Si from the dike shore yes the bar is 800 meters."
The doctor is seriously straight body, cough a , dignitily say:"The Sir of the police officer, the injured loses blood to be up to 2600 milliliters all over, at the same time he at icy cold of lake Shui-li steeped to have five hours at least, and his legs all suffered from bullet wound, in this case, you really think that he can walk by himself 800 meters are far, got to bar then plea for help again?"
"E …" lotus comes to Wu immediately shut last mouth, he really could not imagine leaf Wan is how to can live down.
"But, but doctor, if you say to isn't what he walks to come, so is he how to come?"
"I how can anyone know, probably only God just know,cheap beats by dre."The doctor Du Rang writes to return to office.
The lotus came to Wu and 2 people to follow a doctor to enter office towards hoping one eye, .
"Doctor, can the patient move?"
"Move?Do you think that he immediately dies?"
"But if he doesn't move, probably hang at any time!"Lotus' coming to Wu has already responded to come over at this time, leaf Wan is no longer Wang Tai Hu's shape, will be checked by Zheng Pu's person, the fatal disaster will come at any time.
"Execuse me, I need to be responsible for my patient."The doctor coldly refuses.
"Doctor, I am a police officer, I need to protect my witness, he has to immediately transfer, immediately!"
"Transfer a patient, demand ambulance, demand with car nurse, also need to prepare much medicine."The doctor's words are soft to come down.The lotus comes to Wu noodles now happy expression, repeatedly nod.
After doctor adjusts to an ambulance, the lotus comes to Wu to entrust Mary's lotus and Qin Chuan to send to leaf Wan nation Ba La.
"Cousin, don't you come?"
"I come right away later on."The lotus comes to Wu to pay 3000 diverse expenseses after, a burst of meat pain, this bastard, just give me the accommodation fee of 400 dollars, never die!Want money of Lao Tze's not to return for the nobody.
Looking at ambulance to drive to walk, the lotus comes to Wu decision to check leaf Wan whether really walked 800 meters.
Separated for more than ten hours, leaf Wan walked all the way of the trace have been already disappeared.But the lotus comes to Wu but discovers that leaf Wan is in the lousy mire the trace of flounder.
Leaf Wan's wallet drops in the mire, the lotus comes to Wu one eye recognized leaf Wan the Tao photograph was this wallet while letting Qin Chuan seeing at that time.The Ming card of top also recognize, there are five Cape stars in red.
The lotus came to Wu to pick up wallet to get up and turned over to turn over in addition to leaf Wan's"Wang Tai Hu"'s ID card, passport and a there are no other things outside.
Go ashore, the lotus came to the distance that the Wu estimated the gold Si bar and really had far 800 meterses, seeing to the owner didn't speak amiss.
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