Friday, December 7, 2012

cnn Twisted tales of the _288

Carmonso frank discourse to make Yang Zheng more like a favor ,if he has been like a stubborn cow identify dead manage not to turn back ,Yang Zheng mind giving him a profound lesson ,now he just smiled : the day the LORD made into the astral spirits ,not me, your strength well ,not improperly belittle oneself .
, relationresultCardbe shook his head : lose, lose very thoroughly ,you know you are swallowed Star at that time, Catherine desperate look ?I never see in her eyes that ,although I am a yokel ,I like Catherine very much ,I pass away or killed in duel Catherine by a man ,because of selfishness ,two because I was afraid of hurting her ,Catherine is really very simple ,she doesn she is the man near the harbour evil designs ,she just know I put her all the men who pursue her away .
.. ... I do not know is to her . , relationresultYang Zhengsome unexpectedly raised his head and looked at the CaMon ,he did not think there is such a delicate emotional side of age .relationresultBecausedifferent spiritual force .
Yang Zheng is able to feel some others speak of mental state ,even if he wanted to ,he could also direct capture of others in mind, so he feel ,Carmon did not lie .relationresultFor a timehe didn .
relationresultYou are different, I always see you ,because cannot see through ,so I alert ,I can close to Catherine .But things become worse and worse ,before that , relationresultRunning man,although Catherine would will not be for their Yuanguai I ,when she did not really like them, you ,Catherine has been more and more attached to you ,this attachment is dangerous .
Don you see .Catherine was a curse . , relationresultIknow. Yang Zheng interrupted the CaMon ,saying: Catherine told me . , relationresultYou know , the age changed face ,the eyes more despair: it seems that Catherine really loves you .
Otherwise she will not say such things . , relationresultWhatare you trying to say , Harry. Yang Zheng oddly : there are ,what are you Catherine who? Don ,you just like her so simple .
,google, relationresultI was her guardian knights . , relationresultThe knight ? Yang Zheng does not understand the word meaning .relationresultCatherine family was very huge Fei LAN leather and kingdom of noble family .
His ancestors and King Frant the ten world to a woman a dispute .The woman eventually left him .In anger .Catherine practiced dark lich ,although the woman and the king killed .But the whole family was never decline ,because of the curse ,family number is sharply reduced ,at the same time in order to avoid Fei LAN leather and army arrested ,family be split .
To Catherine few people have to know she was Fei LAN leather and kingdom celebrated temporarily Los really family direct descendants .My ancestors have been Los really family Guardian knight ,in Los really ruined after the family ,although all the way out of the knights ,but my ancestors because a Los true family and greatly Ende ,made under oath, as long as the Los really family who still live in the world ,we are family - Sun Marca will always guard they just don ,is it right? Is also affected by the spell effects ,we Maka family numbers are also on the decline, to this generation ,Luo really family and my family has left Catherine and me two .
Because of childhood guardian of Catherine ,I imperceptibly like her ,did not say first Guardian Knight cannot encroach owner ,is the Catherine curse, I could not really with her ,so I went to the Vatican did transform ,you may not know ,I was at the expense of fertility can be advanced the soldier, I become advanced fighters from that moment ,I told myself ,will not let Catherine get hurt ,never let a man close to her ,because I know the spell the pain ,even to the family from Los really cut ,I wouldn let anything happen.
,and we Maka family to my generation will be cut off forever ,completed the Los family . , relationresultYang Zhenglistened in silence ,wait Carmon finished, he still for a long time .
relationresultHedid not think Catherine and Carmon have such twists in the tale ,the birth of Catherine is a tragedy ,Carmon did not .relationresultAt that moment,his eyes this tall dissatisfaction about disappear in smoke .
relationresultWho elsecan do it with his own family of extinction to complete guardian ,who can do this to Catherine ,and has been quietly endure his love with her misunderstanding .For a long time, Yang Zheng to lift my hand ,fall in CaMon slowly give a sigh : you are good ,Carmon ,you ,you are really good for Catherine .
, relationresultI know what to do .You can rest assured ,I will not hurt Catherine . Yang Zheng patted the shoulder of age .relationresultLuminoushand ,Catherine took the team successfully completed the trials ,certainly must return turandot .
relationresultYang Zhengknew that Lygo Lars must take back the magic islands ,he pulled Lygo Lars walk together ,to escort the test squad ,along the way, demon prince has become an ordinary human ,still beautiful unparalleled ,attract most of the attention of students .
relationresultSinceYang Zheng came back, Catherine was silent for many ,or even deliberately avoid Yang zheng .relationresultYang Zheng alsolays bare, but daily in quiet meditation, meditation and Yang Qiu communication ,Yang Qiu is clearly not the general puppet ,sometimes born to Yang Zheng no control ,although Yang Zheng doesn take control of him, but don out of trouble, this guy is a big star ,hand is a fatal attack ,a the bomb as restless, Yang g per day to do most is to instill some normal people to him, although the effect is very small, when at long time ,Yang Zheng said some words he can hear .
relationresultTen days later,Turandot walls have emerged in the sight of all the people .relationresultHasendured three months trial to torture students into loud cheers .relationresultThought ofhome food and soft bed ,servant wait ,these things in the usual for them, be accustomed to ,is not particularly ,but after three months of inhuman torture, only to find out that they usually can get something that is so precious .
relationresultSometimes peoplereally is bitchy animal ,must be lost later will cherish .relationresultCatherinefirst took the students return to the magic school report test results ,Facebook.relationresultThis time,alchemy Department absolutely Sensational School ,not only with no casualties, and smoothly to the luminous back to finish school ,by far the highest degree of difficulty of the test .
relationresultAlwaysdo not work Teliman old man look cheerful ,she boasted a general test group of students .relationresultBecause the journeyof hardships, be fatigued with the journey ,first trial team disbanded dressing at home ,students as cheerful as a lark ,scatter like birds and animals .
relationresultItis one of several female students ,Balabala eyes gazing at Lygo Lars ,to ask him to play at home, do elf Prince did not know how to refuse to pass to Yang Zheng for help ,have eyes ,Yang do not see ,Lygo Lars was several female students away .
relationresultOnlyCatherine ,Yang Zheng ,age three .relationresultToTeliman Professor away ,three people out of school ,Catherine suddenly said: ,this test you really saved the day for me ,now almost dinner time ,I invite you to dinner .
, relationresultYang Zhengglanced at the age of three individuals have become dejected and despondent ,go out ,but Catherine only please him, eyes look at age ,it is no wonder that Carmon a dead parents look .
relationresultYang Zhengtalking : ,Carmon also out vigorously, go together . ,cnn, relationresultCatherine had someamazing one look at Yang Zheng ,she does not want to understand Yang Zhengshen , Related articles:

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