Monday, December 3, 2012

cnn he Chinese people of

Show off force, well shake Zhe opponent.But be like like this smaller and weak nation in Burma, should show it with weak, let the enemy paralyze the gist, then use surprise tactics.But listen to today the tile say of those words, pour to seem to show off force to spread fame generally, is this to make the other people watch out for their they on one's own initiative."
"Small fine question for posing very key!"The huge strength east wrinkled up eyebrows and very didn't understand that the ground says:"I just was to feel suspicious, tile lieutenant general why emphasize to support his/her own national territorial integrity again and again, this not only lead to have already exposed his purpose and scheme, also with he front the way of doing of segment time be unsuited to to clap!"
Tang Yun quickly asks:"He front segment did time do what?"
"The secret visited domestic and looked like to repair two country relations, but any never mention again relevant resolute and courageous matter!"
"Should be to don't directly put forward, but indirect of the allusion will have!"Tang Yun orders a smoke and just wanted to absorb and put down:"In fact this isn't self-contradict!"
Hearing Tang Yun has already had views, huge strength the eyebrows of the east unfolds to open:"?"
"His coming to local purpose is probably really to want to repair two countries relation, however today get here come be exposed a real attitude, the after all so big a piece of territory abruption went out and wanted to set up for what matters have never taken place also not that possible!As for why once wanted to early expose oneself, I thought to be despair to!"
The huge strength east feels very strange to Tang Yun's parlance:"Despair,google?"
Tang Yun further explanation way:"To the despair of the Burma reality!"
The "he really wants to change the present condition of Burma, but with personal dint but basically can not do it, hence just produce despair ……" huge strength east understood Tang Yun's meaning, follow this way of thinking continues analytical next go:"So he would say these words with me, purpose however is expression oneself strong decision!"
Tang Yun gave another parlance:"Is also vain words to threaten!"
Is huge strength east the point nod, then grew an one breath:"Ah!"
Tang Yun took out one mouthful smoke and lightly asked:"How to see your appearance seeming to be really to feel sorry for!"
The huge strength east didn't answer, but counter-questioned:"You feel the tile lieutenant general is a how of person?"
"There is careful thinking and sharp observation ability, at the same time still have comparison progress and progressive standpoint!"
Is huge strength the east ask again:"You feel his future how?"
"Although I don't understand Burma military government actual what kind, can also affirm him can't have future,Facebook!"
"I also think so, so just feel sorry for for him!"The huge strength east says is one to give a deep sigh again.
" Tile lieutenant general the person like this should be few in Burma!"
"Rightness!"Is huge strength east the point nod and tell Tang Yun:"I and Burma government soldier much main force once engaged, as to it's he those will get basic didn't leave what impression, the great majority even none of with joint signatures words know, only this the tile lieutenant general stay among my memory!Is more important, I know the tile lieutenant general is this person, not because once fought with him ……"
"?That are you how can anyone know?"Tang Yun wanted to think, very quick found out answer for oneself:"Hear?"
"Rightness!"Huge strength east silently a short while, then slowly recall a way:"Do not know why, the tile lieutenant general didn't take part in resolute and courageous war, but our captive military officer soldier of a great deal of government, include severals officer, we wanted to pass these people to understand military government further at that time, for example say which will get most probably a threat to us, result detection among them many people to the tile lieutenant general handed over a people's compliment."
"He at how is military government position?"
"It is said that is the confidant of the great commander of Dan Yu, but have been having no Wei with the solid power!"
"Those are captive to have no officer necessity toward Ma Pi whom the enemy claps he or she's associate, and the life is again kneaded by you hand in, so say of can only can is a true standpoint!"Deeply absorbed an one breath, Tang Yun immediately after kept on saying:" The tile lieutenant general have no solid power to also be handed over a people's compliment and seem really is have the two times the son!"
"I am to think so!"
"However,cnn, this also explains that his sharp point finishes a dew, this is a good matter and is a bad matter!"
Under the instruction that Tang Yun and week heart agriculture come for a long time, the huge strength east has already relatively understood to the officialdom at present, so understand the meaning of Tang Yun's this sentence.
But the breeze is graceful fine not understand, ask very strangely:"What about why to say so?"
"You this sentence sound some little Chen Yang of being like!"Tang Yun Pie Pie mouth, just answer way:"Say a good matter, because build up a public impression with a practical ability, be advantageous to from now on climb to higher place;Say a bad matter, then because easily recruit an outlawing of associate and discriminate against, in a government of absolutist despotism, even still probably arouse the being suspicious of of superior!"
The breeze is graceful a little bit fine to nod:"It Be getting more understand."
"This is to say, tile lieutenant general has the sharp point finish a dew, the most can continue to upwards climb in the military government, but can hardly have opportunity to do important event!He probably also understands this by himself, the but again feels unwilling, so come to demonstrate today!"
"Only wish he really has no opportunity!"Is huge strength east the station start and stretched a lazy waist:"Otherwise he is the enemy who is really hard to deal with!"
The huge strength east hasn't gone to Southeast Asian Chinese people's association for a long time and at the right moment has ample time today, hence was all day long foolish over there, handled the official business that puts off all of a sudden.
The association not only only was a resolute and courageous person and one of the bridge of local contact, but also developed the work to the Chinese people of the whole Southeast Asian region now society, concentrate on tradition China traditional culture and universality Chinese education, at Southeast Asia region of the influence day is big.The Chinese people of Southeast Asia region then because of the existence of the association, but become more united with close.
Just the association after all isn't secret in conduct and actions in the resolute and courageous war, early have already widely behaved it, so all countries government in Southeast Asia all to association at our country of the activity adopt supervision.
However supervise and control at the same time, governments in all countries have never adopted to limit a policy and even also gradually improve to the Chinese people's attitude.The external world ever and widespreadly worried before now, the independence of the wood nation republic might bring about in Southeast Asia lately an of anti-Chinese riot, result actual circumstance but is calculated with this run in opposite directions.
Because these nation of the government finally understood, the Chinese people weren't a flock of lamb that treats to kill, if they still try to be like in the past so treated Chinese people, so next independent Chinese people nation the possible emergence was on their territories.No matter whether they have confidence to win, will pay miserably heavy price.
This strange phenomenon well proved huge strength eastern previous theory, that is always the dignity to all depend on a fist to tee off, the so-called"peace" is just weak to strong of imprecation, finally can change come of only disregard.
Although is very long on time in association, huge strength east but don't do too many matters, needed to be drawn up mostly the policy is all right, because all works be handled heart agriculture very well by huge Yang Huan and week.
In fact are all such in whichever units, if the inferiority enough has a practical ability, and the work environment democracy open, can make them develop a practical ability well, so the leadership will be very at leisure.
The huge strength east used to worry after huge Yang Huan took a post, because the power assign but and week the heart farm production living friction, but this circumstance don't appear.Exactly the opposite of BE, two personal matches must be very good, its joy for getting along with melts.
Of so meeting so, a then because of huge strength east the democracy of the establishment open of work system;Two then have a skillful leadership art because of the huge Yang Huan;Three then the week heart agriculture have already didn't greed, Be enjoyed to current condition of association very much.
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