Monday, November 19, 2012

beats dr dre o know the trend

DIY ,were in their appropriated the weapon, killing the pirates .relationresultMost of the pirates had not yet understood to taste ,dr dre beats,is muddleheaded killed .A clever Jianshibumiao ,immediately decamp .
Song Jun velocity occupied the shore ,the group have landed ,Meng LAN Jun ,Xiang Ling ,Huang Mingxia immediately put Song Jun to record ,and then defeated three road ,to kill the last Hidden Dragon Island center .
relationresultAs a result of the Hidden Dragon Island all prime men concentrated in front of resistance forces ,to stay in the rear are weak child ,unstoppable forces attack ,after a little while ,song hits to Hidden Dragon Town ,but prior to someone back and gave the news, the soldiers closed the gates ,in the city of resistance ,for no the siege of the ladder ,to siege ,but in the city under fire ,the fire spread ,more and more .
relationresultThe fire was still burning, but more and more Song Jun ships forced open flames ,on the shore .Song Jun continued to attack went ashore ,more and more people have a look to the cross ,Meng undivided shore positions ,ordered ,to give up the shore, fall back on the second line of defense .
relationresultJust then ,a small head of breath to Meng transverse side ,said: the old ... The old masters ,event ... ... The bad event ,Meng Lanjun brought the song back into the fold ,from Hidden Dragon Island ,two master .
.. Two the master also died in the hands of song . , relationresultMeng Wang listens, only to find out in front of a black ,too .relationresultSong Jun from behind the attack into the Hidden Dragon Island news was spread ,the pirates became the chaos, never lose heart .
Song Jun taking a drum battle ,the attack on the coastal embankment ,the pirates fled to hide a part of city ,another side is surrounded by Song Jun ,became a captive .relationresultThe fire died out of the fire ,Yang Yanhe Li Gongzuo takes a boat on a Hidden Dragon Island ,then in the evening on the last ,the tide began to slowly recede .
relationresult****************************** relationresultMeng cross slowly open your eyes ,just listen to the Shen Yunniang joy father ,you finally wake up . , relationresultMeng Heng gradually regained consciousness, and then heard shouting kill sound can be heard without end .
Meng cross rolled over and sat up ,have a look out of the window, it was already dark ,but the flames ,Meng Wang has to know the trend ,said : this time by completely over, wake up and what ,don let me alive for you .
, relationresultShen Yunniang smiled ,and said: I can at least don see above . In the table ,throwing pots one finger ,gently said: have ready ,we can always use ,will not be alive to the song .
, relationresultMeng Heng looked at the wine ,not by laughing ,said: I don this . Then stood up ,grabbed the sword ,will be gone .relationresultShen Yunniang startled, fibrillation channel : ,do you want to go there .
, relationresultMeng Wang laughed ,turned the head, said: nature is to wage a life-and-death struggle song ,since I woke up ,Meng Wang is die like a way ,can never die cowardly . , relationresultShen Yunniang suddenly rushed ,clinging to the back of Meng Wang ,burst into tears .
Meng Hengtan relief, there is no turning back ,said: but still wake up well ,at least they finally see you again ,I will not to worry . , relationresultShen Yunniang stopped crying, loosened the Meng cross ,saying: father ,you go .
Meng cross body quivers ,eventually did not look back, strode out .relationresultShen Yunniang to the edge of the table, the pot of wine poured a cup to Bangladesh ,cross back, said: gentlemen ,I ,waiting for you there .
Said wine drinking .relationresult****************************** relationresultAlthough still not completely against pirates ,but as the song Zheng Chao process go from victory to victory ,the merchant of Guangzhou were also getting up ,even if there is no deputy Fleet Escort ,dare to go to sea ,plus no tribute to the pirates ,so the price is lower than the original one to two into ,make Guangzhou the market almost restored the former bustling .
relationresultZhong Zhenxian and Chen Ziming were the last to arrive in Guangzhou ,they arrived in Guangzhou, although the discovery of Zhong Xinyu markings, but were not eager to meet Zhong Xinyu ,two people find a hotel ,to a single, together .
relationresultClock Zhenxian : master, look with pirates this road is not . He now became a bright lefter ,teaching the status is on Chen Ziming ,but Chen Ziming still to do .relationresultChen Ziming chuckled ,and said: in fact, in the beginning I knew it, the pirates are also far from Yang Yan ,so there is no thought and their successful joint .
, relationresultZhong Zhenxian startled, said: the master ,if that is so ,then why would you put forward such a proposal to ? , relationresultChen Ming said: I was just looking for a reason to return to the big song .
, relationresultZhong Zhenxian did not understand ,said: why must we return to the song ? , relationresultChen Ziming hum said: the first vibration ,you want to have such a life succumbs to bell shin-yu ,still want to capture the leader position .
, relationresultZhong Zhenxian flashing light ,she said: of course is to capture the leader position ,Zhong Xinyu has what can occupy position ,the leader ,I can only by her controls .
, relationresultChen Ziming nodded ,said: you must take place, first of all we must win the support of the majority ,if still MAIT ,most people would support Zhong Xinyu ,all in her hand ,how will have the opportunity ,therefore only returned to the song ,can find opportunities .
, relationresultClock Zhenxian said: only in the song ,can find a chance to win tricks ?What song they will support me ? , relationresultChen Ming Road : you think, teach the boys at the several willing to suffer MAIT stay ,their relatives and friends the majority in song ,there are several doesn the great song to .
Therefore, as long as we adhere to in the song ,not MAIT ,will support our brothers .And then we go out a few original buried treasure ,,to contact the previous brother brother ,had money to have future ,everything will be easy ,even if the duo failed, we can also take the money away ,or a separate portal ,how also be at MAIT the bitter side .
, relationresultZhong Zhenxian nodded ,they had to seek, also privately saved a lot of money ,all partial burial .But also the congregation in a many manpower ,money must still be now ,but previously snare hands must also have a fish escaped through the Seine ,put them all together ,can add their own power in dogs ,beats dr dre.
Think ,added: but now teaches in the largest power apologist king ,Xiao Tinglan will go to support Zhong Xinyu ,Ming also seem to never come over to our side ,such a calculation ,the odds are not good .
, relationresultChen Ming : long a few of them ,it is we want to focus on the fight ,only to win them over ,we just have the chance .And don ,there is latent in Ling ,he is now the most powerful man ,as long as we can win him over ,and the plans must be successful .
, relationresultClock Zhenxian Road: not think right ,but now he power and position ,he will be faithful to our holy ? , relationresultChen Ziming hum said: power and position again on how he dares to apostasy ,not ,as long as we put his true identity to poke out ,everything will come to nothing ,we just can also use this point .
, relationresultZhong Zhenxian finally faces smile, said: good idea . , relationresultJust then ,suddenly the street a roar ,also sounded the sound of firecrackers .The two men looked out of the window ,I saw people came pouring out on the street, to the Guangzhou dock to move in the direction of .
relationresultChen Ziming looks for the shop waiter ask ability knows ,it is Song Jun destroy the Hidden Dragon Island ,win return .relationresultThe original song attack on Hidden Dragon Island ,a road to carry all before one ,the same night attack opened Hidden Dragon Island ,and Meng Lanjun ,Ling Xiang ,Huang Mingxia et al . Related articles:

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